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Exclusives 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Deleniti expedita molestias quisquam repudiandae iusto fuga doloremque sunt esse consectetur eaque illo possimus voluptatum corporis quos, eveniet fugit vero non facere?

Exclusives 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Deleniti expedita molestias quisquam repudiandae iusto fuga doloremque sunt esse consectetur eaque illo possimus voluptatum corporis quos, eveniet fugit vero non facere?

Exclusives 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Deleniti expedita molestias quisquam repudiandae iusto fuga doloremque sunt esse consectetur eaque illo possimus voluptatum corporis quos, eveniet fugit vero non facere?

Exclusives 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Deleniti expedita molestias quisquam repudiandae iusto fuga doloremque sunt esse consectetur eaque illo possimus voluptatum corporis quos, eveniet fugit vero non facere?

Young Writers Guild

At the Young Writers’ Guild, we understand that writing is becoming a lost art. Young people are bombarded with technology. From social media to texting, critical reasoning, spelling, and writing is disappearing. For young people, daily life provides distractions and very few places that encourage them to become better writers.

The Great American Think-off

The Great American Think-Off, now in its 30th year, is an exhibition of civil disagreement between powerful ideas that connect to your life at the gut level. People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to submit an essay of no more than 750 words for a chance to win one of four $500 cash prizes and participate in the live debate to ultimately answer the question, determined by audience vote.

King of Essays

To all TV shows nerds: we're incredibly excited to announce a competition for the best essay based on the TV series you are keen on. This is a new challenge for folks who may be under budget and interested in winning subscriptions on streaming services (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney).

AFSA Essay Contest

The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) partners with the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) on the annual National High School Essay Contest. The contest engages high school students in learning and writing about issues of peace and conflict, encouraging appreciation for diplomacy’s role in building partnerships that can advance peacebuilding and protect national security.

Word on the Lake Writing Festival

Whether you’re an established or emerging writer, the annual Askew’s Word on the Lake Writing Contest has a place for you. Part of the Word on the Lake Writers’ Festival, the contest is open to submissions in short fiction (up to 1,500 words), nonfiction (up to 1,500 words), and poetry (up to three poems of one page each).

Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest

This contest seeks today's best humor poems. No fee to enter. Submit published or unpublished work. $3,500 in prizes.

Quill and Ink Literary Festival

Quill and Ink is a new literary festival that is organized, presented, and run by the student editors of the Grassroots Literary and Arts Magazine at Southern Illinois University. Quill and Ink aims to uplift marginalized voices and inspire... See more at website

The Big Moose Prize

Each year Black Lawrence Press will award The Big Moose Prize for an unpublished novel. The prize is open to new, emerging, and established writers. The winner of this contest will receive book publication, a $1,000 cash award, and ten copies of the book. See more at website

The Reedsy Prompts Contest

Respond to one of Reedsy's weekly writing prompt newsletters with a short story for the chance to win $250 and be featured on the Reedsy Blog!

Elegant Literature's Contest For New Writers

One of the largest awards open to unpublished writers, and the only one closed to professionals. We are the first magazine to pay pro rates and only accept submissions from new writers, paying new authors over $50,000 last year. One new writer receives the grand prize. See more at website

7 Day Story Writing Challenge

Register now for our next 7-day story writing challenge. A secret theme, a randomly assigned genre and just 7 days to write a story of no more than 2,000 words. Our 7 day story writing challenges take place throughout the year. The challenges are free and you can even get feedback on your story.

Anthology Short Story Award

Established to recognise and encourage creative writing and provide a platform for publication, this short story competition is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. There is no restriction on theme or style. Stories submitted must not exceed the maximum of 1,500 words.

Resources: Reedsy Blog